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Fallen Officers

Panel Location7B - 6
Officer RankAssistant City Marshal
Eow Date6-19-1882
Panel Location15, D, 16
Officer RankPrivate
Eow Date8-10-1878
Panel Location32,D,5
Officer RankPolice Officer
Eow Date9-25-2004
Panel Location32,D,6
Officer RankCity Marshal
Eow Date4-2-1878
Panel Location14A - 12
Officer RankPolice Officer
Eow Date2-9-1870
Panel Location38,B,12
Officer RankConstable Pct 4
Eow Date1-18-1894
Panel Location12B - 18
Officer RankPolice Officer
Eow Date12-13-1936
Panel Location7C - 4
Officer RankDetective
Eow Date6-17-1928
Panel Location12A - 17
Officer RankCorporal
Eow Date9-12-2007
Panel Location34,D,7
Officer RankDeputy Sheriff
Eow Date8-12-1911